Caffè Florian

Caffè Florian

It’s who you know and how you look…

The Florian has been around since 1720 and was a place where the elite could meet. Today, just about anyone can meet there, but be warned…if you don’t look “right”, you’ll find yourself standing in line with others for a very long time. This is especially true during Carnivale. Those in the right costumes can get right in. Those not in costume (like the average tourist) don’t seem to be admitted (at least I didn’t see any). Instead, they stand in long lines and press their faces to the windows, trying to get a glimpse of those inside. I was one of the lucky ones since I was in costume. I felt like I was admitted into the inner circle of the elite. Others inside seemed to think our group must have been someone important to know because many stopped by sit and talk to us. It was funny to see so many faces looking in a “me” and trying to take photos through the windows!

I had tea (many varieties to choose from) and desert while I was there. The deserts are to die for and presented in a way that made you hesitate tasting them because of their beauty.


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