Planning for 2024
Lots & lots of exciting things this year!
In the past I have planned my year out in advance and this year is no exception. There are times I’m not sure if I have more fun doing the planning or the actual adventure. I have so many things to look forward to!
More volunteering
I’m taking on a lot more roles as a volunteer with Cascade Bicycle Club and just became a Champion Donor for my second family (or my tribe, as my husband says). I have become a free group ride (FGR) leader, a Cascade Training Series (CTS) leader, and an Outrider. This is in addition to the help I give the Pedaling Relief Project (PRP), graphic design and office help I give the club.
Events & Adventures
Besides the following events and adventures I have planned this year, it doesn’t include all the FGRs or PRPs.
January was a bit of a lazy month. I rode one PRP delivering food from Ballard to SoDo, but the rest of the month was visiting with family or just relaxing. We did take the grand-daughters bowling when they spent a weekend after not seeing them for over a year.


The following Monday I had my second cataract surgery (I had the right eye done in Dec. 2023).
The first Saturday in February had me volunteering at Cascade’s annual Bike Swap. I convinced William to attend and he bought a Propella e-Bike for only $500 (it had 134 miles on it and had been used for test rides). The very next day he rode a FGR I led to Discovery Park.
I helped lead two more FGRs during the month then volunteers for the bag drop truck during Chilly Hilly. I rode my bike over to Bainbridge so I wouldn’t need to pay for the ferry and parking on Bainbridge Island. It also gave me the opportunity to ride to a park and see the new Dambo troll, Pia the Peacekeeper. We lucked out with the weather, sort of…while it didn’t rain on us, it was very cold with strong gusts of wind.

- Ride Leader: Three FGRs and a CTS pace-ride planned
- PRP: Helping to rescue food and deliver to food banks three times this month
- Hiking: Intending to go on a hike with The Mountaineers at Discovery Park
- CTS: Pace ride for start of series plus co-leading two rides
- Ride For Major Taylor: Mentored ride as an Outrider and planning on the full 64 mile route that includes two ferries
- Tour de Lopez: Camping overnight at Lopez Farm Cottages and Campground and riding the 31 mile route
- Something new: My something new this year is to take a Velodrome class at Marymoor Park
- Tour de Cure: This will be the third year I’m raising money for the American Diabetes Associate and the first time leading a team; this year they have longer routes and I’m planning on riding the 64 mile route
- Emerald City Ride: Short, but sweet 20 mile route which hasn’t been available since 2019
- Skagit Spring Classic: I rode the 64 mile route last year and plan to ride the 100 mile route this year
- Walla Walla Tour: First time riding this 3-day tour
- Camping: I’ll be camping at Birch Bay State Park and doing some bike riding while there
- 7 Hills of Kirkland: 38 miles with a lot of elevation gain for my first time riding this route
- Flying Wheels: Second year riding this event and also going to be an Outrider
- Vacation: Western Balkan bike tour (Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina) followed by a family visit in Rota, Spain
- CTS: Two more routes as a ride leader, but longer routes of 100 miles and 75 miles
- Hiking: Camping at Mt. Rainier National Park and planning to hike the Skyline Trail
- STP: Second time riding this 207 mile/2-day ride; riding as an Outrider and a STP Ambassador
- Bike Camping: Road trip to the Olympic Peninsula where I’ll be spending two nights camping at Bogachiel State Park, riding my bike from the park to Forks and back, then driving to Lake Crescent for another ride on the Olympic Discovery Trail
- Summit 2 Sound: Catching a bus for me and my bike from Alki where I’ll be taken to Hyak at Snoqualmie Pass, then riding the 80 miles back to Alki on mostly gravel trails
- Tour de Lavender: Third time riding this metric century; camping at Sequim Bay State Park
- Bikepacking: Olympic Bridges Overnighter carrying all camping gear & food on bike
- Port Townsend Tour: Third time riding this 3-day event; camping at Fort Worden State Park
- RSVP: 189 miles/2-day event between Seattle & Vancouver, BC; riding as an Outrider
- Bike MS: First time raising money and riding this event and on a team whose captain lives with MS
- CDA Fondo: Still waiting for the exact date or if they will be holding it again, but it will be the second time riding it
- Lake Chelan Tour: Third time riding this 3-day event
- Kitsap Color Classic: Third time riding this event; will be riding as an Outrider
- Rattle dem Bones: Third time riding and dressing in costume
- Kenya Camping Safari: My mother-in-law and husband chipped in and bought me a package as a Christmas present since it’s been on my bucket list
Wish List for 2025
Like I said, I love to plan and have things to look forward to. I’m already dreaming and planning a self-guided bike tour in Sicily for next year!