Recovery and Back In The Saddle

Recovery and Back In The Saddle

It’s been three weeks since my bike accident and I’m healing well. My face only has a few scabs left on it and the ribs no longer hurt. The only lasting effect is the hairline fractures of my bottom teeth (which the dentist will keep monitoring).

Last Saturday, I got back on my bike and rode 33 1/2 miles on the Centennial trail. I was surprised that I wasn’t apprehensive getting back on the bike and had a great ride with two friends.

The next day, I did another 31 miles on the Foothills trail with some other friends on another nice ride. By riding on relatively flat trails, I was able to get my confidence back up and feel good about riding.

Yesterday, I rode 31 miles with Cascade Bicycle Club from Woodinville to Kirkland and Redmond and back. This route was some trails but mostly road and included several big hills. I was very nervous going down the hills and took it pretty slow. I don’t think that fear will leave me any time soon since I crashed on the downhill when I had my accident.

I was quite pleased with myself with the uphills…I usually have to use my throttle going uphill, but this time I barely used it. I rode 90% of the route in pedal assist (PAS) 1 and only kicked it up to PAS 2 going up the hills (my bike goes from PAS 0-5, with 0 being no assist). I guess my legs are getting stronger.

This coming Saturday I am registered for the Tour de Lavender where I will attempt my first metric century. I’m pretty sure I can do it and can’t wait to check this achievement off my bucket list!

More bike events that I have signed up to ride:

Potential bike rides I may do:

  • Colorado Tour – June 2022 (plans to do road trip to Colorado and ride four different locations)
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