Riding on Day 6
Today is our last day of bike riding on the tour. After breakfast, we left Ston and road parallel to the highway for quite a ways, stopping at a wine museum for a respite. We were riding into a headwind that wasn’t too strong and it was nice after all the hot weather we had been riding in.
After our break we had to start climbing and climbing before descending into a gorgeous town on the coast. After everyone arrived in the town, we then had to climb a very long, steep road that was on the hardest ones I have done. But it was so beautiful! We eventually came to a tunnel and rode through it. After a couple of more miles, we arrived at our final destination.

For lunch we ate at a restaurant that had a lamb roasting on a spit in the fireplace and smoked meats hanging from the rafters. They served us a lentil soup, which I passed on since I’m not a big fan of lentils. We also had all kinds of meats and cheeses along with olives. Of course there was wine.

After lunch we loaded up the vans to head back to Dubrovnik for the night.

Our final time together as a group would be dinner. We walked to the restaurant and had seafood. I don’t care for salmon, so I ordered and paid for some mussels instead.
Back at the hotel, we had some struggles. First, the A/C wasn’t working and the manager had to come to our room, climb up on a chair, open a panel and flip some circuit breakers. Next, we found no electrical outlets near the bed, so I had to ask for a power strip in order for William to plug in his c-pap. The walls of the room were very thing and you could hear every noise on either side of us. Our breakfast was pretty decent, though.