Yellowstone Road Trip – Day 2

Yellowstone Road Trip – Day 2

After packing up everything at Wanapum, we got in the car only t learn that the battery was dead. Apparently, the electric cooler that plugs into the cigarette lighter draws more power than my cell phone and drained the battery. Lucky for me, I spoted another camper with a truck that had a PACE logo on it and looked like it belongs to someone owning jumper cables. I was correct (the guy went around fixing other people’s vehicles problems for his company).

After getting jumped, we headed west and stopped in Moses lake, WA, for breakfast. While my husband may have a problem with Denny’s, I don’t. They are cheap, the food is mostly tasty, and the service is fast. I had one of the skillets sans cheese and wolfed it down. Ryan had the Red, White and Blue breakfast, which included pancakes, bacon, hasbbrowns, and eggs (he ate everything thing but the hasbrowns).

We then continued on to Coeur d’Alene to the Wolf Lodge Resort. After setting up in a grassy spot, we then went in search of lunch.. I introduced Ryan to some Japanese food at the Bonsai Bistro. While I had sushi, Ryan had egg rolls and I had him try the crab rangoon (which he loved). I also gave him a piece of my hamachi, but he didn’t like it and spit it out. Oh well…you can’t always expect a country boy to like more cultured things.

In spite of the large lake in Coeur d’Alene, we were unable to find any place to swim except downtown where parking was a bitch. So, we opted to go to the Silversood Themepark, which had a whole water park section. The drawback was that you couldn’t just pay for the water park and it was quite expensive. Luckily, we only had to wait 15 minutes for the rate to drop in half for the evening (which amounted to two hours). Ryan loved it, but I guess I’m getting too old (and big) to enjoy it like I would have as a kid.

Since it was getting late, we opted to eat at Dairy Queen rather than try to cook from the freeze-dried stash (which would have ended up eating dinner at 8:30pm).

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